Monday, June 14, 2010

Welcome to the 21st century!

Well, I have often thought about blogging, but truthfully, I am not sure I can keep up with it! However, I would like to be able to chronicle important events in the lives of my family, and not simply the milestones that everyone keeps track of. In 20 years, will I remember how sweet it was to hear Noah say "Bye, bye, you" everytime we walk out the door, grabbing my flip flops for me and placing them ever so gently at my feet? Perhaps I will recall how sweetly Aidan comes up and kisses me daily? Or will I remember how Katie worked so diligently helping Noah learn how to talk, repeating phrases over and over again?

In a nutshell, I am creating this blog to record how our young family is taking shape, and changing before my eyes.

I have a wonderful husband who is almost done with his associate's degree. He began college 15 years ago, got sick, dropped out, and now is determined to get a degree! Katie is my firstborn, and she is currently 6. Aidan is 2.5 years to the day behind Katie, and is a fun-loving 4-year-old. Noah is my baby, and he is 22 months behind Aidan, making him 2-years-old, and almost having a Christmas birthday!

Our daily grind is filled with plenty of sugar, along with a bit of spice to make things interesting. Sometimes the kids get along, other days are filled with whining, but one thing is certain--there is never a dull moment!


  1. Yea!!! I'm glad you've started one. I love reading blogs! Great blogspot address!

  2. Thanks, Jenn! You and Michelle have inspired me a bit!

  3. How exciting! I love the "sugar and spice" title...creative & perfect!

  4. Welcome to the blogging world!

  5. Thanks, everyone! How do I upload pics on my home page?

  6. When typing a post, select the camera icon to insert the pictures. For the home page, go to your settings and layout.

  7. Thanks for your help, Tara--I am slowly getting this blog personalized!
